Our Mission
It’s all about the “Keys” to preventing
“Lyme” disease.
Did you know that the number of new cases of Lyme each year surpasses that of Breast Cancer and HIV?! But, why is it so difficult for many to get diagnosed? That is because this disease mimics so many other diseases like MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, ALS, Alzheimer’s, and the list can go on….
Lyme Disease can be a very devastating and debilitating disease because it is the “Great Imitator”. Many people don’t know much about its chronic effects, which is why greater awareness, education and direction to the right resources is key to prevent more people from being affected.
KeyLyme™ – the combination of two little words, “Key” and “Lyme” – is a platform to advocate, educate, inspire and empower people to realize they have the keys to their own health!
Our mission is to empower and inspire people to be their own advocate because no one knows one’s body better than themselves. We do this through various seminars, providing resources, our all-natural tick & mosquito repellent, as well as lead support groups and various other public awareness events.
We can use our pain and heartache to connect with others, which is why we feel it's important to continue to share experiences with one another and offer hope to those people who are fearful of Lyme.
More awareness, research, and accurate testing are key to getting more people diagnosed correctly in the early stages of Lyme before it becomes chronic.
The foundation of KeyLyme™ is based upon The 4 P's and these three pillars: (1) greater awareness, (2) education and (3) prevention.
1. Greater Awareness
Greater awareness will begin as Lyme disease continues to be talked about more publicly and personal stories are shared. Lyme disease can mimic so many other diseases and the testing is inaccurate, which makes it very difficult to diagnose.
Our hope is that the continued advocacy and shared stories of Chronic Lyme suffers can act as a trigger for those struggling to get a diagnosis. Sharing stories not only creates awareness, but it aids in the understanding of what a loved one, significant other, family member, friend or co-worker is going through.
2. Education
You are well ahead of the game by educating yourself about the disease; it’s symptoms, treatments and appropriate doctors! Education is your best defense against Lyme disease. Did you know you could test your tick and learn more about the disease from the tick, then testing yourself!
3. Prevention
You are setting yourself up for success by being aware of the disease, educating yourself, and knowing the keys to preventing Lyme disease. Make sure you know the symptoms, use repellents, search for ticks after being outdoors, and seek immediate attention if a tick has bitten you.
Lyme Disease is curable if diagnosed and treated early. So don’t wait and delay to investigate your symptoms - seek medical treatment immediately by the appropriate Lyme literate doctor, if necessary!

The 3 Pillars
Greater Awareness