Ticks & Prevention
The National Capital Lyme Disease Association (NatCapLyme) has a bunch of resources regarding tick prevention, protecting your pets, securing your environment, and tick removal.
SAVE YOUR TICK! You can learn more from testing your tick, then testing yourself. There are multiple tick testing labs where you can send your tick to be tested.
Click the link above to learn more about lyme disease and co-infections.
Do you think you have lyme disease, but haven't been able to recieve a diagnosis?Take this questionaire to see where you fall in the lyme disease spectrum.
Mind, Body, Spirit
If you'd like to explore the mind, body, connection for healing below are some resources you may want to check out and consider:
Ashburn, VA
Purcellville, VA
Take Back Your Health
Robyn Shirley
Financial Resources
The purpose of this website is to provide information about grants enabling eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication so as to raise awareness about Lyme disease.
The cost of lyme disease treatment and testing can be very costly and often isn't covered by insruance. lists a variety of resources available to chronic lyme patients, including filing for disability.
Doctors & Counselors
Dr. John Hart, MD
Functional Medicine for Families
571-252-8845, Leesburg, VA
Dr. Carolyn Walsh, MD
703-723-7713, Leesburg, VA
Dr. Joseph Jemsek, MD
202-955-0003, Washington, DC
Dr. David Stewart, MD
Loudoun Holistic Health Partners
703-779-2801, Leesburg, VA
Sterling Family Medical Practice
Sterling, VA
Dr. Suzanne Nixon, EdH, LPC, LMFT
Northern VA Integrative Therapy Center
703-729-0505 , Lansdowne, VA
Recommended Books
Here are a list of books that help to explain Lyme disease, but also some that help those who are chronically ill and struggling:
Why Can't I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme & Chronic Disease
by Dr. Richard Hortowitz, MD
Cure Unkown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic
by Pam Weintraub
Beyond Lyme Disease, Healing the Underlying Causes of Chronic Illness
by Connie Strasheim
Suffering the Silence: Chronic Lyme Disease in an Age of Denial
by Allie Cashel
Out of the Woods: Healing from Lyme Disease for Mind, Body, & Spirit
by Katina Makris
Dying to be Me: My Journey From Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
by: Anita Moojani, Foreward by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer